Visual Arts

Our Visual arts program is an important part of our School and is highly valued by staff and students. We look to interweave curriculum based learning with a range of engaging therapeutic practices and strategies. Our art room is a place where students can express themselves creatively in a number of multimodal ways. Within this special space, students are encouraged to create, regulate, explore and thrive amidst a range of art resources, sensory materials, and structured holistic experiences. The room is set up to accommodate students’ sensory processing needs and originality. Our philosophy is aimed towards making sure all students have the ability to demonstrate their individual artistic drives and be immersed in experiential learning which includes music, movement, sensory regulation and artistic play-based learning.

Each year we showcase our students work at the Noble Park Community Show with other schools and also have our own art show for our families and school community. The students’ artwork is displayed across the school and we have several permanent installations that the students and staff have collaboratively made.